Gluten & dairy free snacks! Leda Banana Bars

It’s morning or afternoon tea time and you really need a pick me up. And plain fruit isn’t cutting it. So in the past, I would have a biscuit, some salty chips, lollies, anything to give me a spike in sugar or salt (or both) and I was happy for about 30 minutes. ⠀

Nowadays, I have improved my snack choices so my energy levels last a lot longer and I usually munch on a Carman’s Kitchen muesli bar, some homemade hummus dip, a piece of fresh fruit or protein balls I’ve whipped up (when I can find the time). This is what I have most of the time. But I’m human, so sometimes I will have some Loving Earth chocolate or some organic dark chocolate from ALDI Australia🙈

Recently, I have been buying a few healthy products from my new friend Daniel at Urban Market Wholefoods and he introduced me to Leda Nutrition for snack foods. Thanks Dan! I am so excited to find this brand. ⠀

If you want snacks that taste incredible (no jokes!) and you want either gluten free, dairy free, egg free, with no added sugar or all the above, this is the brand for you. Say what?! I was skeptical too as I was expecting to taste cardboard, but so far I have now tried three products in their range, shared them with friends and family, and they are all YUM (stay tuned for more reviews in the coming months).⠀

My latest find from Leda are their Banana Bars which I have now added to my morning or afternoon tea time. So YUM! Imagine … a thick cake density, chunks of real fruit, a lovely banana flavour and each bar is so filling, you can share it with a friend or save half for next time. 🍌🍌🍌

LEDA Nutrition started producing gluten and dairy free health food bars in 1996, to cater for increasing dietary and allergenic requirements. Equally important to them was the growing number of health conscious consumers seeking healthier snacking alternatives. <That’s us!>⠀

You can buy the banana bars direct from Leda, http://www.ledanutrition.com/shop/ at Coles, selected IGA Australia and health food stores.⠀

What’s your favourite healthy snack?⠀

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    For all the chocolate biscuit lovers. – Everyday Awakenings
    August 12, 2017 at 3:45 am

    […] consumers seeking healthier snacking alternatives. You might remember a post I did a while back on Leda Bars, this was their first ever product development, great as an energy or breakfast […]