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mind body spirit


Harmonise your mind and body with yoga.

⁠⁠I remember when I first started my yoga practice around 8 or so years ago now, which was a combination of tai chi, pilates and yoga. The soulful Liana from Akari Yoga & Fitness ran classes near me at the time (I highly recommend you look her up both online and if you’re near Kyneton). ⁠ It was a time I had a racing mind pretty much constantly and needed to find a way to calm it the F down,…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

What’s on your Harmony List?

How lovely are these statements? Reading them fills me with a feeling of peace, calm and tranquility. 🙏🏻🍃 And a dawning reality that I have much work to do to feel this way consistently. And I question whether I’ll ever achieve it. One can only strive towards it. I do, however, remember certain moments in my life where I have felt like this. This is my Harmony List – When I consistently exercise, when I regularly meditate, when I eat…

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