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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

There is no money in healthy people or dead people. The money is in sick people / Bill Maher /

I’ve been watching a range of doco’s lately focusing on the world health epidemic. The rise of blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease etc in our communities is alarming. And there is no sign of a decrease in sight. ⠀ We are conditioned to think that such illnesses are ‘common’ now. There’s a pill for everything, coupled with advice that you must eat well and exercise, together with a script for your daily dose of medicine that…

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My Morning Routine – what does yours look like?

What do you do when you first wake up?⠀ Check your phone? Have a warm tea or coffee, or lemon water perhaps? Give bubs a bottle? Have brekky? Chill out on the couch for a bit. Yeah, me too.⠀ ⠀ Pre-baby though, I had a very different morning routine. One I am desperate to get back to, albeit I know it will be a little modified, with the addition of little one in our lives now. My routine was based…

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Lucerne, Switzerland

Nature’s beauty inspires me all over the world, as it’s so different everywhere you go. Architecture, accessibility, altitude, climate … so many factors influence what we see.⠀ Travelling over the years to many parts of the world has taught me a lot. Mainly to be grateful for where I live, and for the gift the rest of the world is to each of us.⠀ Flashing back to 1998 on my trip to Lucerne, Switzerland where I experienced this magical bridge…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

Habits Quote

It’s the start of the year (only just!), and I’ve been thinking a lot about habits and how to remain consistent in everything that is important to me, so that I live happily. Honestly, I have struggled with this over time.⠀ I think back to where I let life lead me, I had minimal routines, no rituals, and just went with the flow … and it worked for that period of my life and suited my fluid personality. But not…

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0 In Inspiration


With love anything is possible.💚 After all, it’s one of the needs we need to survive, according to Maslow’s hierarchy.⠀ Love yourself.⠀ Love your body.⠀ Love your mind.⠀ Love your spirit.⠀ Love your family.⠀ Love your friends.⠀ Love your home.⠀ Love your work.⠀ Love today.⠀ Love life.⠀ ⠀ Rinse & repeat.…

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0 In Inspiration

Wardrobe Declutter

This is what I would like my wardrobe to look like, not what it actually looks like ha ha. But I’m striving for it!⠀ So I’ve already shared that I’ve been decluttering our entire home through January in order to clear my mind and be ready for the year ahead. In only a few days, we are back in our design studio and will be in the thick of it. It’s been amazing to clear the junk out of our…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

Declutter Wayne Dyer Quote

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been on a decluttering binge fest. Thanks, Peter Walsh.⠀ And boy, does it feel good. 😊⠀ Everything is getting cleared out. The spare room (which hubby and I affectionately call “the room no one speaks of”) is currently the dumping ground for everything that doesn’t have a place – it’s getting a massive overhaul. Everything is going that: I haven’t touched in over a year, has long-term dust on it (you know what I’m…

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0 In Inspiration

Juliet’s gift to me.

My daughter gave me such a beautiful gift this morning. This incredible sunrise. Plus a lesson in looking for the positive wherever possible. Though sometimes it’s hard. 🙈 If it wasn’t for her waking early, I would have missed it. Normally, I bitch and moan about resettling her at 5am. 😫 After going to bed at midnight, five hours sleep is just not enough for me. Especially after months of it. But today, in my zombie one eye open, walk through…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

Greenery – new beginnings 2017

Do you love the colour Greenery?⠀ In our design studio, we focus a lot on colour. And this month is a special one, as Pantone released the 2017 colour of the year, Greenery. According to Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of the Pantone Colour Institute, “It symbolises the reconnection we seek with nature, one another and a larger purpose.”⠀ It got me thinking.⠀ ⠀ With 2017 only a few weeks away, it’s a time for reflection on the year past and…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

You are special

Sometimes, you will know the effect you have on someone else’s life … but often, you won’t.⠀ 🍃 You may smile at a stranger in the street, who has just lost their job – they walk away with a little glimmer of hope. ⠀ 🍃 You may tell someone you love them, at the precise moment when they have been having suicidal thoughts and they really need a friend – they walk away feeling loved. ⠀ ⠀ 🍃 You may…

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