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Learn how to manage your emotions with essential oils.


At the end of July 2017, I was invited to attend a doTERRA learn, make & take class at Enta, with a group of gorgeous women, all there to learn how essential oils can help with emotional management. Mariana Suarez, our gentle heart-centre guide, shared, “We all do our best to look after our physical health, without realising that many of our physical ailments are coming from emotions we have been holding to; sometimes for too long and most of…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES


Is your life peaceful?⠀ A peaceful life, inside and out. ⠀ ⠀ We all strive for it. Sometimes we experience it, other times, we don’t. ⠀ And it all comes down to our mind, and the choices we make for it.⠀ ⠀ Mindfulness is a therapeutic practice of focusing on the present moment and calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.⠀ ⠀ Many of us live our lives allowing situations and our minds to master us and…

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