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everyday awakenings


Soothe your babies bottom with Aromababy Barrier Balm

When I had a baby recently, I became even more conscious about what products I would use on my precious little one to get her started in life in the healthiest possibly way. There is a plethora of baby products on the market, especially for nappy creams; many of them chemically based – containing Benzyl Benzoate, Benzyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Linalyl Acetate to name a few. The MSDS’ (material safety data sheets) for these ingredients state to varying degrees that…

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Mental Health – my inside story.

Mental Health – the stigma, the shame, the secrecy. It’s not helping anyone. Not the afflicted person, their family, their children, their friends, the greater world at large. We need to talk openly and candidly with an aim to educate so that everyone, including our children, understand what it means, can identify the signs within themselves if it be the case, but also and importantly, to pave the way for an informed and easy vehicle for recovery and management. This…

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Doctor, Doctor, give me the news.

Doctor doctor give me the news…… Yep, we all go to them for much needed answers and advice and doctors absolutely have their place in our modern world. However, I like to think that before we head to the waiting rooms of our doctor’s clinic, we might stop to try and work things out ourselves first. After all, we do understand our bodies best, because they are ours. But more often than not, we are not paying attention to the…

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0 In Inspiration/ QUOTES

What do when things go wrong – this is what Oprah told me.

I spent 2 hours writing Oprah’s entire speech back in December 2015 when she toured Melbourne. I lapped up every minute. And for good reason, her messages spoke truth to my heart. I will share them with you over time. We’ve all had shit happen to us in life – with some days worse than others. My previous approach was the perfected wallowing technique where I would sit on the couch, complain to friends or lie on bed and say…

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Vision Boards help your dreams come true!

Do you vision board? I have created a vision board as long as I can remember. It’s my vision for the year ahead and some big picture goals. I cover family, health, community, career, wealth, spirituality, travel and social areas. I’ve done both a hard-copy board which I see all the time, and in more recent times, I’ve also done a digital version which is a montage of images or even images in a folder which I click through during…

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Yoga for back pain.

Yoga … it’s my exercise thing. Even though I was into athletics and running in high school, I’m not really into high-impact exercise anymore. I like the slow, smooth and steady approach to getting fit and leaving all my problems on the mat. I remember a time I had to get massaged every month without fail to deal with stiff shoulders and neck due to working in front of a computer for hours and days on end. Don’t get me…

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Why coconut oil is so good

It’s time to go tropical! Coconut Oil – Boy, is it good for nearly everything! And it’s even better when you find it at Aldi (Australia) for $4.99 – and it tastes incredible. In our family, we use coconut oil in our cooking, smoothies, as a moisturiser, on scars, in our baby’s bath water, oil pulling** and we eat a teaspoon every night (including bubs – and she loves it!). Coconut oil contains short-term medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), which…

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The Dirty Dozen

The Dirty Dozen outlines a current yearly list of fruits and vegetables that are exposed to the greatest number of pesticides and may therefore carry a higher pesticide residue. The Environmental Working Group, a US health and environmental research organisation, undertakes the research and creation of the list, and its analysis of these foods found that by using the lists as a guideline, consumers could potentially reduce pesticide exposure by almost 90 percent. Pesticide residue load has been implicated in…

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