Want to give your little ones a healthy snack with a little crunch? 👶🏻 My little Juliet likes variety – just like her mumma (and I’m guessing like most of us). Which means that breakfast and snack time which was previously just soft mushy food wasn’t cutting it once her toothie pegs showed up. I’m not big on processed foods if you haven’t noticed by now, so off I went to the supermarket and chemist shelves to search for organic…
Have you ever considered buying kid’s foods for adults to eat as they have less additives? I recently came across Weet-Bix for Kids once my little Juliet started eating solids. After a closer look, I noticed that the adult version contains salt which isn’t in the kids’ version. I never really understood why salt needed to be added to an adult breakfast cereal. It just doesn’t make sense to me. And whilst I’m not altogether happy either one contains sugar,…