“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” – Mina Murray A great activity for encouraging mindfulness is journaling. Remember writing in your secret diary when you were a kid, well journaling is the adult version of that. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious or worried, picking up a pen and writing down what you’re feeling can help you take your mind off things. It’s also great for when you feel great too – it…
My relationship with my body has changed. I used to consider it as a servant who should obey, function, give pleasure. In sickness, you realise that you are not the boss. It is the other way around. / Federico Fellini /
How many of us have experienced this? We push our bodies to their limits. We think we are indestructible. We think we are eternal. The reality is that our bodies can only take so much. Drinking, smoking, poor food choices, stress, exposure to toxins, strenuous physical activity, lack of sleep…these all contribute to our bodies eventually screaming out. “STOP” Much like Federico Fellini, my relationship with my body has changed. I have absolutely pushed my body beyond it’s limits, and…
Today I’m channeling positivity through diffusing Lemongrass. I adore citrus flavours, so this one’s a fave of mine. 🌿☺️ Lemongrass has a pungent, herbaceous aroma that can heighten awareness and promote a positive outlook. It can be used in massage therapy diluted with fractionated or solid coconut oil after a workout, which will leave you refreshed and invigorated. 💆🏼 It also naturally repels insects. I love to use Lemongrass in my cooking, too (though I do use the fresh version),…
My daughter gave me such a beautiful gift this morning. This incredible sunrise. Plus a lesson in looking for the positive wherever possible. Though sometimes it’s hard. 🙈 If it wasn’t for her waking early, I would have missed it. Normally, I bitch and moan about resettling her at 5am. 😫 After going to bed at midnight, five hours sleep is just not enough for me. Especially after months of it. But today, in my zombie one eye open, walk through…
For quite a while now, I have been trying to live consciously. With intention and positivity. It’s not easy, and sometimes I fail miserably, but when I succeed, I feel in flow and centred. So I keep trying … everyday. So what does it mean to live consciously? Well for me, it means making active, self aware, positive and confident decisions for everything in my life. All the time. With purpose-filled intention. That includes my purchases (especially food and healthcare),…
Anyone else sick of being sick with a cold? Or having an entire sick household? Give me a hell yeah!. Around a month ago, my little Juliet came down with an awful cough which turned into a head cold and two weeks of pure hell. Blocked nose, awful heart-wrenching chesty cough and the inability to sleep with tears and more tears. From her (and at times me). Yep, pure hell. 🙄😷. Pre-baby, I had no idea what a nasal aspirator…
Ever failed at something? I don’t know about you guys, but I have failed heaps of times. But I’ve also tried a lot, too. Relationships, businesses, jobs, friendships, cooking, exercise, smoking, drinking, eating healthy – these are just some of the things I’ve tried, failed at, learnt a lesson from and then tried again. We’re all not perfect, we make mistakes, but the important thing is that we give things a go and always, always look for the lesson. There…
Practice gratitude. Easier said than done, hey? How can you be grateful when life throws you curve balls, when relationships are rocky, when your kids have been up all night, when your husband has man-flu, when you lose your job, when you’re down to your last $50, when you don’t feel well, when life is just tough? Gratitude is actually the thing we must do in moments like these. It’s the one thing that reminds us that someone else is…